Sunday 20 January 2013

8. Renaissance (13th - 16th AD)

  1. Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth”. The term Renaissance is used to describe the development of western civilization that marked the transition from medieval to modern times. Earlier Europe had passed through what was called the dark ages the period between 5th and 11th centuries A.D., when all researches and fresh ideas were discouraged. Problems were not being solved in the light of research and observation but by invoking religious edicts. Intellectuals adopted Plato’s idealism while Aristotle’s empiricism and observation were rejected.
  2. During Renaissance new ideas and fresh research was encouraged. There was a movement to search for ancient texts that would increase current scientific knowledge. Botany, zoology, magic, alchemy, astrology, and psychology were developed during the Renaissance as a result of the study of ancient texts. Scientific thinkers such as Leonardo Vinci and Galileo attempted to refine earlier findings. Many other great names also belong to this period, such as Francis Bacon, Newton and Kepler. As the Dark ages had an impact on the growth of philosophy/psychology so did the Renaissance.

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