Sunday 6 January 2013

1. Socrates (469BC - 399BC)

  1. In his opinion, knowledge and truth reside in the mind and one has to look for it there.
  2. In order to gain knowledge and understand various phenomenon, one has to look inwards instead of looking at the outward things and trying to find an explanation in them. In other words, Socrates stressed on the study of soul i.e. looking inwards, and he rejected external observation.
  3. He regarded the soul as superior to body and said that the psyche or the soul helps us to distinguish between good and bad.
  4. Socrates asserted that all things have a definite purpose and nothing occurs without that purpose.
  5. Another great contribution of Socrates is his method of teaching. It is called the Socratic method of teaching. The teacher and the student interact with each other and have an intelligent dialogue that helps them to understand and comprehend better.

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